December is here and we’re all gearing up for holiday times. Holidays always mean lots of get-together and family parties. How about serving something different to your guests this time? Let me introduce you to some sweet and snack items that you can serve your guests and I believe they’ll love them!
Find your soul snacks and fill your tummy hard! But wouldn’t it be great if had something which also fills out the healthy category? Don’t be thinking, because we have plenty of interesting details to share with you about an authentic snack from south India. Yes, you might have guessed it from the title itself! We are going to reveal some facts about tapioca chips that you might not have learned before.
So free up yourself and be ready to pop your eyes! You will be amazed to see that tapioca chips are more than just a yummy and crunchy snack. Check them out below!
Important source of protein
We have seen vegans hitching to get the right amount of protein from every possible source. You can add something interesting to your diet for gaining the right amount of protein. Tapioca chips have good amount of protein which can provide the benefits needed by human body.
Free from allergens
Unlike few natural ingredients, which have certain allergens in them, tapioca is free from all. Also, the tapioca flour is one such ingredient which can be found in many gluten-free products. Hence, you can consume tapioca chips without worrying about any allergic responses from your immune system.
Rich in fibre
If you think tapioca will give you a feeling of congestion in the stomach, then you are wrong! It has dietary fibres which can clean the excessive accumulation in your stomach or intestine. This will not give you the feeling of fullness and will also not cause constipation.
Maintains ionic balance
It is a rich source of calcium and is low in sodium. Due to this balanced ionic composition, it is very helpful for health. While the presence of calcium assists blood clot, nervous system, and muscle contraction, a lesser amount of sodium maintains normal blood pressure. So you need not worry about having any such related issues.
Reduction in birth defects
Pregnant women are advised to consume folic acid to avoid birth defects. You will be surprised to know that tapioca has good amount vitamin B – complex and folic acid. You can consume this yummy tapioca wafers and take folic acid naturally into your body.
Protection against Alzheimer’s
Vitamin K influences our mental health in a very significant manner. The more appropriate amount of vitamin K you have in your diet, the lesser the chances of encountering Alzheimer’s in future. Tapioca has a good amount of vitamin K which helps in keeping the neural activity in pace so that every stimulus reaches your brain on time. This also keeps the brain cell healthy.
Healthy weight gain
There are many people who have an extremely lean body and they really want to gain some muscles. Also, tapioca is rumoured to be a heavy snack which causes a sudden gain in weight. Well yes, it, of course, helps you in gaining weight but not through accumulated lipids and cholesterol. It has enough calories to increase the muscle content without harming your body or making you obese.
Has important minerals
Tapioca is rich in minerals. We have already listed few of them in previous points, but it has few more. Tapioca contributes to 8% of total manganese required by your body. In case you didn’t know, manganese plays a crucial role in the metabolic process of your body. Alongside, it also develops tissue and bones.
Similarly, it also has 13% of total required by your body every day. So a bowl of tapioca chips as your evening snack will compensate all the energy you lost in the day’s hustle. As far as the role of iron is concerned, you very well know how important it is for haemoglobin. Hence, it will help you fight anaemia, fatigue, and weakness.
Light and easy to digest
Tapioca chips are extremely light to eat and you will never feel a heaviness in your tummy unless you consume too much of it! These tapioca crisps are easily digestible and maintain a healthy appetite for you.
Energy booster
Since tapioca chips are loaded with carbohydrates, you will never fall short of energy if you consume it on regular basis. This is the only reason, why tapioca chips keep you full for a longer period of time but never makes you lethargic. It is a great source of energy in the world of snacks.
Precautions to be taken with tapioca chips
Yes, we know you are really excited to try out these chips and include them in your diet as soon as possible. But, there is one thing which is very important to know about tapioca. It develops from Cassava plant, which is known to produce traces of cyanide. As you know, cyanide is extremely poisonous neurotoxin you should not try to make tapioca chips at home.
It is advisable to buy tapioca chips online from a trusted snacks seller. It has to undergo a number of processes and refining before the root is sliced into chips and fried. Also, there are some wild species of cassava which may cause critical poisoning in your body. A large number of tapioca chips are prepared after selecting the good quality cassava roots by expert and knowledgeable people.
Therefore, after knowing these beneficial facts about tapioca chips, you must refer these to your friends and relatives who are a great fan of chips. Get a pack of tapioca chips for yourself now and enjoy it with your friends and family. If you are too conscious about weight gain, just have 4 to 5 pieces of chips and work it out. Stay healthy, stay fit, and stay active! Let us know if you have some bonus tips about tapioca chips. We would love to hear from you.
Tapioca is a widely used product of South India especially Kerala. Majority of the population in Kerala consumes it as a primary food and is served as “Kappa” along with Meen (Fish Curry). Apart from being a regular food item, Tapioca is also used to prepare a tasty and crispy snack out of it. These are crispy and spicy to taste and is commonly found in almost any small to large bakery in Kerala. The most common method of preparation for Tapioca chips is using thin yet long wafers of Tapioca deep fried in pure coconut oil along with other ingredients and spices. Preparation of Tapioca chips at home is a pain mainly because of the various steps involved starting from getting Tapioca from market to cutting them into thin slices to deep frying in coconut oil. It is also possible that the end product prepared at home might not taste as good as the ones purchased from the market because of the ingredients and the exact process involved.
To minimize the pain and to bring you freshly prepared Tapioca chips, We at The South Indian Store are working hard. Our motto is to make South Indian snacks available to each and every person in the country at the click of a mouse. While packing, we take utmost care to prevent any loss of fragrance or quality of the product. Our 3 layer protective measure helps us ensure the quality of the snacks that we ship to our customers. Visit The South Indian Store today and order your packet of Tapioca chips.