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Green Tea : The Ultimate Summer Drink – Benefits And Recipe!

With temperature breaking records, enjoying the season has become more of a battle between heat and us. The sun refuses to lower its ray while we suffer the most. Going out during day times or even simply sitting peacefully at home has become a dream. Where ever you go, sweat and heat come along with you. But there is something, which may not reduce the heat but it can surely help you survive it. Green tea it is, the benefits of which you will be exploring in this blog. Let’s explore!

green tea leaves

Green tea, unlike regular tea is made from Camellia sinensis  without any sort of withering or oxidation process. Though it has found a place in nearly most Asian cuisines, it originated in China several years back. Apart from taste and flavours, it is also used for its medicinal properties in Indian medicine. Every country serves its own version of green tea. Consumption of green tea in India has increased by 50% as of a survey conducted in 2013. The major tea producing states are : Assam, West Bengal, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Due to its nutritional values, it has become the most preferred drink in today’s world. Let us now learn the various benefits of consuming green tea in summer!

1.Stimulation Of Body :

It contains caffeine which helps in stimulating the body. Unlike other soft drinks, it contains caffeine naturally. This won’t harm you until you drink a ton of it. So keep your worry aside and consume this healthy option over your regular soft drink favourites.

green tea


2. Hydration :

Summer is the time when you need to keep your body hydrated on a regular basis. So, what better than some green tea. As per research conducted by some Australian scientist, it can be very helpful to keep the body hydrated. It contains little amount of natural caffeine, which as believed previously doesn’t cause dehydration.

3. Immunity Booster :

When it gets hot, you tend to drink more and more cool items, which sometimes disturbs the balance within the systems of our body. This leads to a series of health issues including cold and flu. This can be prevented by drinking green tea. It creates an anti-bacterial state within the body leaving you much less prone to infections. When everyone around you might be getting sick, you can sit back and relax due to your secret partner – green tea.

“Consuming green tea a day, keeps cold and flu away”

green tea

4. Increases Stamina :

It contains catechins, a type of anti-oxidant which are also known for boosting up metabolism. This amazing substances helps in burning of fats and increases your capacity to perform regular exercises. It also leads to loss of weight, helping you to fit in your favourite dress in much less time. When all your friends and family members will be exhausted and tired due to heat, you can step up and show them this awesome drink.

5. Protection Against Sun :

What is the next thing that worries you apart from heat and sweat in summer season?  Yes, I am talking about tanning and rashes due to exposure to sun rays. You spend so much of money to buy the best sunscreens, lotion and what not, just so you can protect yourself from sun damage. Let me introduce you to a much cheap and healthy option.

Green tea contains anti-oxidants which mitigates the damage that is done to the skin due to sun rays. It doesn’t necessarily block the rays but it does neutralise the free radicals of UV rays, which cause damage.

green tea


Apart from these amazing benefits, it also helps in preventing wrinkles, reducing risk of high blood pressure and provides protection against cancer causing cells. Now that you are aware of these awesome benefits of green tea, how about consuming some?  Buy our variety of fresh green tea and improve your health this summer.

Buy Fresh Green Tea Online – Buy Now

Consuming green tea regularly just as a drink can be quiet boring. Especially for foodies who like to try new delicacies, the same old tea recipe won’t be exciting at all. Below here, I am going to provide you different food items, where you can use green tea and prepare something new everyday. Let’s learn!

1.Green Tea Smoothie :

This one is for the days when you don’t feel like spending much time in the kitchen. This smoothie is one such tasty and easy option. Put some green tea, avocado, honey and spinach leaves in a mixture and blend until it smooth. Add a cup of cold milk and blend again. Check the consistency and serve with some ice cubes. Your yummy version of regular green tea is here!

green tea smoothie

2. Green Tea Cookies :

Everyone loves cookie, no matter what the flavour is. This green tea cookie recipe is a must try for those who like to blend health with flavour. Put powdered sugar, matcha powder and butter in a bowl. Add some spinach puree and beat until smooth. Add some egg yolks and beat until a nice non- sticky paste is prepared. Next, take some flour and a pinch of salt in another bowl. Add this to the spinach mixture, little at a time and beat to combine.

green tea cookies

Mix with your hands to pull the mixture into a ball. Wrap this ball into a plastic sheath and give it the shape of a flattened disk. Seal it up and refrigerate it for about 35-50 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat the oven at 350°F. When you’re ready to bake, roll out the mixture into a 1/2 inch thick disk. Cut out the cookies using a round-shape cookie cutter. You can use any shape of your choice. Drop these cookies into sugar and coat both the sides. set them up on a parchment-paper cookie sheet and bake for about 12-15 minutes. Take them out when done and cool down at room temperature. Your tasty cookies are ready to be savoured.

3. Tulsi Green Tea Drink :

This one’s the healthiest of all. Green tea mixed with the goodness of tulsi/basil leaves is my favourite drink. Wash and chop off tulsi leaves. Take some warm water in a bowl and add some green tea leaves to it. Add sugar as per taste along with tulsi leaves. Stir for a while and strain in a cup. Your healthy tea recipe is ready to serve. This nutritious drink  is also effective in protecting the body from cough and cold.

Now that I have provided you with everything related to green tea, try it out this summer and let us know your experiences. We will be more than happy to hear from you. Stay healthy this season!

External Reference :

Benefits of green tea

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