We at The South Indian Store started this online website with the objective of making tasty, yummy South Indian snacks available to all. It is pretty evident that the online shopping scenario in India has boomed and a one stop destination has been established for everything from books to clothes to electronics. And gone are the days when you have to call up a supply store nearby to have snacks sent over. With the launch of The South Indian Store, we are hoping to make south Indian snacks and food items available to anyone with an internet access. Today, we are offering over 12 varieties of food and snacks to our customers. You can get anything from sweet halwa to the famous banana chips delivered right to your doorstep. We constantly strive to get products and food that is enjoyed by our customers and broaden the taste spectrum available to them. The south Indian Store went live with a small idea from our team in 2014 and we hope to expand and offer a lot more products and snacks as time goes by. We believe strongly in innovating and growing with time and providing affordable and easy ways to provide authentic south Indian snacks to our customers.
All out products that go out the door is verified by our team to be authentic and great tasting food. The South Indian Store is a vision of young and vibrant individuals who value customer satisfaction more than anything and so we would love to hear back from you on our feedback page.
Looking forward to having a wonderful experience serving you.
Happy Tasting
Team of southindianstore.com