We foodies can ever get enough of our favourite foods! So, this one is for all banana chips fans! Let’s explore everything about this South Indian chips. From its edges till its centre. If you enjoy eating these yummy chips, then keep reading the article till the end!
Nutritional information
Did you know that these amazing snack from the heart of South India is nutritious as well? These chips provide fiber to your body along with potassium and vitamin C. Fiber keeps your digestive system healthy, while potassium ensures the proper functioning of the muscles.
These chips are also rich in carbohydrates and fats. So, apart from flavour and crunch, these chips are a good source of nutrition for you too. Buy our delicious variety of banana chips, you will crave for more after eating them!
Buy Fresh Banana Chips Online- Buy Now!
Myths And Facts
1.Banana chips are a high source of fats because they are fried in coconut oil:
They contain saturated fats which can be harmful to your body. True enough! But does that means you should stop munching on your favourite snack? Definitely not! This can be completely taken care of. Eat these chips occassionally and you won’t have any issues. Control your cravings and eat little at a time. As it is said, “too much of anything is harmful”.
Also, coconut oil is good for your health . They increase good cholesterol in the body and improve heart health. You can also use gingelly or olive oil for making these chips! If eated in a limited quantity, banana chips won’t cause any sort of harm to you.
2. It is not as healthy as raw banana:
Well, yes to some extent it isn’t exactly as healthy as raw banana. But that doesn’t lowers the benefit it provides. Bananas are a good source of potassium and so is the chips. Both provide vitamin C and are rich in carbohydrates. Just like bananas, it’s chips are also easy to digest. So, eating chips is not unhealthy, the way it has been framed.
Some DIY recipes
1.Banana chips at home:
How about making these tasty chips at home? Cut raw banana into thin slices and coat them some turmeric powder and salt .You can add other spices also if you like. Keep it aside for few hours. Next, extract all the moisture from it. Fry or bake, cook the way you want! It goes amazing with a cup of tea.
2.Banana chips with meals:
Have you ever thought of eating banana chips other than snack time? If not, then try it out. These crunchy chips taste delicious with rice and dal or rice and sambar. It adds an extra flavour to your regular meals.
3. Crushed chips:
This one is sure surprising! Crushed banana chips? You must be wondering how and with what will that work. Relax, it tastes yum . Crush a bowl of banana chips and to a bowl of dry fruits or fruits to enhance the flavour. Your boring bowl of fruits will become very flavourful.
4. Mayo And chips:
Take similar pieces of two chips and apply your favourite flavour of mayonnaise in between and join them up. These chips sandwich will be a sure winner in your dinning room.
Mayonnaise reduces the sugar level and treats depression. It is also known to keep the hair and skin healthy. So, try this recipe and let us know.
Wanna try something new? Apart from the regular version of banana chips? We have some different varieties as well.
Sweet banana chips
An important part of Kerala snacks, this version of banana chips is a treat to your taste buds. Fried in coconut oil with added sugar and spices, it is totally mouthwatering.
Buy our freshly prepared sweet banana chips to enjoy the amazing combination of sugar and spices.
Buy Sweet Banana Chips Online- Buy Now!
Banana Chips Petals
These delicious little pie shaped chips from Kerala can be at your home. Place your order and we bring these yummy chips, right at your doorstep.
Buy Banana Chips Petals Online – Buy Now!
I am pretty sure, all your doubts and thoughts regarding banana chips will be cleared after reading this article. If not, tell us what else you’re looking, we will be more than happy to help!
Stay Healthy And Happy This Season!
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